Form of Sam: To hear (Hebrew).
Form of names that include “sam”: Masamba (leaves—mah-SAHM-bah—Yao, Malawi); Sama (elephant, a welcome gift, a fish-crawl, to attract—Bambara, West Africa; to summon—Ewe, Ghana; to give, to find, the heavens—Hausa, West Africa; the rainy season—Mandinka, West Africa; a person of wealth or power, an agreement by which meat is divided—Mende; to be ill, to crow, to become invisible, to place the head on a pillow, to cry out excitedly—Tshiluba, Congo; figures made on the head by the uneven cutting of the hair, handful, handbreadth, an ancestral spirit—Twi, Ghana); Samatar (the good or successful one—Somali, East Africa); Sambabe (sahm-bah-beh—"May Samba live"—Vai, West Africa); Sambi (a worshipper, a guitar, a banjo—Kongo, Central Africa); Sambo (name given the second son of a family—Hausa, West Africa); Sambu (prayer, the squall of a baby, good fortune—Kongo, Central Africa); Sami (elevated, exalted—SAH-mee—Arabic, North Africa; to make a sign—Yoruba, Nigeria); Samiih (magnanimous—Swahili, East Africa); Samiir (companion—Swahili, East Africa); Samo (to obtain—Hausa, West Africa); Samoset (he walks over much—Algonquin, Native North American); Sampson, Samson (sun’s man or splendid man—Hebrew; Old Testament); Samuel (his name is of God—Hebrew; Old Testament).
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