Nine (Swahili, East Africa). A woman named Tisa wrote this about her name: I was given the name "Tisa" by a late aunt, my mother's very good friend. Ironically, when my parents did more research into the name, they discovered that it meant "nine" in Kiswahili, and that it was from Kenya, Africa. Oddly enough, I was the ninth grandchild for my maternal grandmother, the woman for which I am named my middle name "Phillipa." Later on in my life, I have discovered that the number nine symbolizes "completion" in life, and thus have identified that attribute to my name as well, since the cycles of human life are in nine stages. Throughout my life, I have been surrounded with the number nine, from textbooks in school, to my position on the school's class attendance role! My name has been a source of strength and a continual blessing to me! I have not heard my name used by anyone else yet!
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